The Ongwhehonwhe Indigenous Peoples Links

Native peoples struggles and visions, grass roots environmental and ecology organizations and communities, nonprofit and uncompromised political organizations. 

This is only a small sampling of the tens of thousands of nonprofit non-government organizations who are altruistically doing jobs that their government has neglected and in most cases have opposed. This latter fact speaks to the present dysfunction, counterproductivity, and failure of most of today's unaccountable governments (but accountable in terms of large sums of money to the transnational corporate elitists) who are bent on continuing their control, manipulation, and exploitation of their people, just as they exploit and subjugate natural systems,  wildlife and natural resources.   In most cases the following organizations represent the common vision and legitimate struggle for people's rights of self determination in the face of transnational greedy paranoiac aggression by alien, corrupt, distant,  absent and faceless self serving cartels of power. The people below -- the assemblage of rainbow warriors represent a common spirit for liberation, dignity, harmony, justice, and balance -- they, and a hundred times them, will serve joyously to build the RAINBOWBRIDGE for future generations . 

Aboriginal Voices Media

Abya Yala Net Abya Yala means "Continent of Life" in the language of the Kuna peoples of Panama and Colombia. Here you will find much information on Indigenous peoples in Mexico, Central, and South America.

American Indian MovementAmerican Indian Movement

See also below links for Leonard Pelletier, Dennis Banks, John Trudell, wounded kneee, Fire in the Prairie, Pine Ridge,  and Russell Means.

AIM - The American Indian Movement : Grand Governing Council.

AIM - Suggested Reading List

AIM - Confederation of Autonomous Chapters

Akwesasne Notes is a Journal for Native and Natural Peoples. Of the best quality and many articles by John Mohawk. Part of the Mohawk Nation

AKWESASNE TASK FORCE ON THE ENVIRONMENT (ATFE) at A community based, grass-roots organization formed in 1987 to address the environmental problems facing the Mohawk Nation community of Akwesasne. The mission of the Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment is to conserve, preserve, protect and restore the environment, natural and cultural resources within the Mohawk territory of Akwesasne (see map) in order to promote the health and survival of the sacred web of life for future generations and to fulfill our responsibilities to the natural world as our Creator has instructed

Alpha Institute: Combining traditional ways of indigenous peoples and advanced communications technology to help assure the survival of diverse cultures and the planet.

Alpha Institute's Indigenous Links An excellent long list of indigenous, environmental, and activist links.

American Indian Network Over 8000 Links to NAtive American Subjects

American Indian Studies: dedicated to the presentation of artwork, photographs, video and sound recordings in an effort to share native culture and history. MAintained by Phil Konstantin.

Baiki: Journal of the North American Sami Peoples,. are the 100,000 Indigenous inhabitants of Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Russian Kola Peninsula. After a 500-year period of colonization by Norway and Sweden during which the Sami nature religion, the Sami language, and the Sami joik were forbidden, the Sami people in the Nordic countries are experiencing a rebirth of their ancestral belief system, language and cultural expressions. Concern for the environment has lead them to become active in international Indigenous organizations including NGO status in the UN.

Basic Call to Consciousness This site has great vision. It is the gateway site to "Akwesasane Notes", "Spiritualism- The Highest form of Politics", "Policies of Oppression in the Name of 'Democracy' Economic History of the Hau de no sau nee", and more. Highly recommended

Battle of Wounded Knee

BIG MOUNTAIN DINEH RELOCATION RESISTANCE The struggle for survival of the Navajo people at Big Mountain

Bill's Aboriginal Links Canada and US An excellent, long, and well maintained indigenous peoples links specific to North America.

Bill's Aboriginal Links An excellent, well maintained, and very long list of World Wide indigenous peoples links

Black Elk Earth Prayer & The Sunset Short quotes from Black Elk (Oglala Sioux)

Black Hills Treaty the actual hand written treaty of 1868 (from teh national Archives Web site)

Black Mesa Indigenous Support

Brownmousemedicineco A sweet and loving site with excellent links

Cabeza de Vaca journey
Short history and reading list for Cabeza de Vaca
Cabeza De Vaca PBS
Cabeza da Vaca TXT
Cabeza de Vaca Questions
Cabeza de Vaca Life
Cabeza de Vaca
Cabeza de Vaca Account

Canku Ota: (Many Paths) An Online Newsletter Celebrating Native America

Center For World Indigenous Studies Dedicated to wider understanding and appreciation of the ideas and knowledge of indigenous peoples and the social, economic and political realities of indigenous nations

Clota (Cultures and Literature of the Americas)

Covert War Against Natives Ward Churchill

Cultural Land Trust (Maui, Hawaii) HE ALI`I KA `AINA, HE KAUA KE KANAKA -- The land is a chief, man is steward

Cultural Survival: EthnoSphere developing new strategies for responding directly to the critical needs of the world's indigenous populations.

Dark Night Press

Dennis Banks Home Page AIM co-founder and creative visionary

Dialogue Between Nations -- Racism

Dreamspeakers Annual Native American Film Festival in Canada

Earth Forum Two-- Moscow Message

Eastern Door

Elders Spiritual Message GW

Fire on the Prairie Pine Ridge

First Nations: Issues of Consequences (Dick Shovel)

Fort Laramie Treaty (1868)

Fountain of Light -- Information, Illumination, Imagination

Fountain of Light

Fourth World Journal


Ganondagan State Historic Site

Gathering For EcoCulture: On going programs to create a sustainable partnership with our public schools; to integrate EcoCulture as a long-term and replicable model for a national ecological and multi-cultural program.To train leaders who will encourage and guide teachers to begin the process of viewing their environment from a different perspective using, tribal stories, folklore, mythology, songs, and dances. Next big GATHERING is August 2003.

Gathering of Nations Live Indian radio via the Internet, NAtive News, the Annual Gathering of Nations Pow Wow in Alberquerque -- April 25-27, 2002 among other things.

Great Peace...The Gathering of GoodMinds

GreyWolf & Willow's Lodge

Haskell Indian Nations University

Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force


Hawaiian Indigenous Links for Environmental and Economic Justice, Traditional Rights, and Native Resource Projects at

Hawaii Nation -- self determination movement in Hawaii

Holy Tree of Life - Hyemeyohosts Storm

Honor Our Neighbors Origins and Rights HONOR is an organization devoted to protecting the rights of Native Americans by monitoring legislation and educating the general public about Native American issues. It distrubutes educational tools such as More Than Bows and Arrows, Rediscovering America/Redescubriendo America, Columbus on Trial, and many others.

Hopi Prophecies Messages to the United Nation

How the Eagle First Came to the People By KiiskeeN'tum (She Who Remembers) Turtle Island Centre Family Services, Manitoba, Canada

I Am Indigenist

Index of -pub-FWDP-Americas

Indian Country News The news from Indian Country is a twice-monthly, independent, Indian-owned newspaper supplying national news, pow-wow dates, and information to all of Indian Country. Unfortunately this site has not become updated recently.

Indian Country Today Newspaper Uptodate, active, high quality, and comprehensive daily news source. Highly Recommended website of the American Indian Heritage Foundation (AIHF). Funded by large corporations and offers aid within the overall prsent day dominant paradigm

Indigenous electronic texts by Udownload

Indigenous Environmental Network Very excellent site (higholy recommended)

Indigenous Health and Culture Herbs

Indigenous Health and Culture

Indigenous Links from Alpha Institute

Indigenous Peoples Biodiversity Information Network (IPBIN) a mechanism to exchange information about experiences and projects and to increase collaboration among indigenous groups working on common causes related to biodiversity use and conservation

Indigenous perspectives on food, health & medicine

The Iroquois Constitution at the University of Oklahoma Law School

Iroquois, Haudenosaunee

ISEC, Ladakh, India

Ishgooda Native News

John Mohawk

John Mohawk BBC News Interview

John Mohawk Article Sovereignty

John Mohawk BBC News

John Mohawk Forum On Chiapas

John Mohawk The Great Law of Peace from We Hold These Truths.Org

John Mohawk "WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM NATIVE AMERICA ABOUT WAR AND PEACE": The Progressive Pragmatism of the Iroquois Confederacy

John Mohawk talk

John Trudell excerpts from Stickman

José Barreiro, Tainos

Kahea an alliance of Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian) cultural practitioners, environmental activists and others concerned about cultural rights and our fragile environment

Leonard Peltier & AIM Information

Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

Manataka American Indian Council

Mohawk Nation

Native America Calling Interview with Vernon Bellecourt and Ward Churchill

Native American Knowledge Resources

Native American Artists Online

Native American Authors IPL At the Internet Public Library

Native American Author-  Katsi Cook

Native Authors On-Line At the North American Native Authors Catalog

Native American Directory

Native American Documents Project

Native American Elder Janet McCloud & Sapa Dawn Janet McCloud was born March 30, 1934 on the Tulalip reservation in Washington state. She is descended from the Chief Seattle family.

Native American Journalists Assn

Native American News Archives Wotanging Ikche

Native American Political Systems 1987 Native American Political Systems and the Evolution of Democracy: An Annotated Bibliography

Native American Public Telecommunications

Native American Resources

Native Americans and the Environment This non-profit project has three goals:

  1. to educate the public on environmental problems in Native American communities;
  2. to explore the values and historical experiences that Native Americans bring to bear on environmental issues;
  3. to promote conservation measures that respect Native American land and resource rights

Native Americas Journal Indigenous Issues the most significant and substantive journal offering concise, in-depth coverage of news by and a bout Indigenous peoples. It is the publication of choice for many Native peoples, from the Gwitch'in Athabascan of Alaska to the Kekchi Maya of Guatemala, due to its timely, dependable, and vital investigative reporting of Indigenous issues.

Native News Online

Native Prayers and Sayings (excellent)


NativeNet archives

NativeNet NATIVE-L archives

NativeNet Wounded Knee articles from NATIVE-L

NativeNet WWW Server Index

NativeNet Home Page and gateway to native forums, lists, and archives

Native Tech: An educational web site that covers topics of Native American technology and emphasizes the Eastern Woodlands region. The web site is organized into categories of Beadwork, Birds & Feathers, Clay & Pottery, Leather & Clothes, Metalwork, Plants & Trees, Porcupine Quills, Stonework & Tools, and Weaving & Cordage.

NativeTech Native American Message Boards

NativeWeb Resources Cases & Controversies

NativeWeb: Resources for Indigenous Cultures around the World. It doesn't get much better. Maintained by David Cole

Neahtawanta Center in Traverse City, Michigan. A primary function has been to facilitate and sponsor workshops/gatherings on a variety of topics relating to sustainable living, spirituality, communication skills, and healing.

NECONA Native American Environmentalists working to keep nuclear waste off Indian lands.

News From Indian Country: An Independent Native Journal. See their article archives

Next Seven Generations

Oneida Nation Oneida Indian grass roots organization

Oren Lyons (Faith keeper of the Turtle Clan) Interview with Bill Moyers July 3, 1991

Peace 4 Turtle Island Haudenosaunee Iroquois built on the philosophy that Peace can be obtained for all the sacred colors of mankind and harmony restored to Mother Earth when people honor and respect the original instructions that were given to each people by the Creator.

Peace and Dignity Peace and Dignity Journeys are spiritual runs that embody the prophecy of the Eagle and Condor. This prophecy mandates that at this time all Indigenous people in the Western Hemisphere shall be reunited in a spiritual way for the following reasons: to reconnect us to our spiritual practices and traditions; to help us relearn our role in the world as indigenous people; and to remind us of our responsibilities to Mother Earth, Father Sky, our communities, and ourselves.

People's Paths Articles

People's Paths

Poems and Stories by KiiskeeN'tum

Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor as told by many Native nations in the Western Hemisphere.

Prophecy of Eagle and Condor As told by John Perkins of Dream Change Coalition

Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor -- Inca and Mayan

Protect the Earth

Race and Ethnicity Studies University of Wisconsin Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in Medicine - Good Links, good programs, good place.

Rainbow Tribe Ed McGaa (Eagle Man)

Running Deer's Longhouse

Russel Means Interview

Seven Circles Home Page

Seventh Generation Fund Board of Directors

Shadow Woman's Main Site with writings and links and ShadowWoman's Forum and Native American Issues

Shundahai Network Peace and Harmony with All Creation

Six Nations

Sovereignty from the Indigenous Perspective

Survival for Tribal Peoples Survival is a worldwide organisation supporting tribal peoples. It stands for their right to decide their own future, and helps them protect their lives, lands, and human rights. It works for tribal peoples' rights in three complementary ways: education, campaigns and funding while offering tribal people themselves a platform to address the world. Survival works with local indigenous organisations focusing on tribal peoples who have the most to lose, usually those most recently in contact with the outside world.

Sunray The website of Dhyani Ywahoo's Beauty Way Teachings. Home fire of the Green Mountain Aniyunwiwa and a Tibetan Buddhist Dharma center of the Nyingma and Drikung Kagyu schools, Sunray is composed of three distinct schools: Native American Studies, Buddhist Studies, and Healing Arts. Sunray Practices embody three ancient intact spiritual lineages. The common thread: teaching practical means to realize compassion and right relationship with Earth and all relations.

Thunderbird Twins - by KiiskeeN'tum


Traditional Medicine Program; Located in Kanonkwatsheri:io Health Facility (part of the Mohawk Council facillities)

Transform Columbus Day

Treaty Productions Russel Means International Indian Treaty Counci. An organization of Indigenous Peoples from North, Central, South America and the Pacific working for the Sovereignty and Self-Determination of Indigenous Peoples and the recognition and protection of Indigenous Rights, Traditional Cultures and Sacred Lands.

Tribe of Seven Billion

Tribal Wisdom Foundation

Turtle Island News Canada's On-Line Native News Source

United Native America -- United Native America was formed in 1993 as a nation wide grass roots movement to bring about a federal national holiday for Native Americans. Many excellent resources

University of Virginia E-book Project; Books by and about native Americans

VOICES OF RESISTANCE: native sovereigntists writing and speaking from the front-lines of North Amerikkka

Ward Churchill "The Suppression of Indigenous Sovereignty in 20th Century United States" See Ward's ZNet Home Page

Ward Churchill " Crimes Against Humanity"

WWW Virtual Library: Index/Links of Native American Resources on the WWW

Walking Antelope -

Western Australian Aboriginal Artists Advisory: DUMBARTUNG ABORIGINAL CORPORATION. Australian Aboriginal page which attempts to counteract the claims of Mutant Message.

Winds of Change American Indian-published and nationally distributed full-color magazine with a focus on career and educational advancement for Native people. Articles highlight cross-cultural issues of interest to both Native and non-Native people.

Wisdom Keepers:An educational organization dedicated to creating culturally and historically accurate educational programs and resources on indigenous cultures from the People of those cultures rather than about the cultures.

Wotanging Ikche - Native American News Prophecies



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